Cipher of Texvu Obtained

The Keepers of the Glade made another foray into the Chapel of Inktu'ta. We defeated Kelekdrix and then moved though the stonemight infested tunnels, freeing 4 more Trushar who had been locked in a nightmare state. After fighting our way though the rows of golems we arrived too late to save Jomica from the Cursebearer whose touch disolved his internal organs.
In the next room we finally came face to face with Noqufiel, the Trushar Priest of the chapel with 6 of his Acolytes. Noqufiel then revieled the true nature of the curse on Inktu'ta, they were all already dead. Noqufiel and his minions then droped thier illusion of life and Noqufiel fled to his inner chamber while his Cursecursecallers began to summon more cursebeares, mindless undead spirits who locked onto a particular persons mind and relentlyly persued them until they liquified thier innards with thier touch. Fortunately our dedicated clerics were able to reserect the dead and we defeaated the 6 minons.
We cornered Noqufiel in his inner chamber but he had one more trick up his sleeve. He created a magical clone of himself that when killed would explode, damagding all around it. Also more cursebearers came from the alcove, but these not haveing the strength of the Cursecallers behind them could be killed and our pet masters unleased the their legion of Specters, Elementals and Beasts on them, keeping them in check. Finally Noqufiel died the final death. I then approached the Golem in Noqufiels chamber and found the final piece of the Cipher of Texvu. Jomica's spirit also apeared and he gave us what reward he could for releasing him from his torment. In Noqufel's posseion's I also found a shard of dark matter.
On return to the Abysma Sea, I delivered all three pieces of the high temple to Brevil Kalaner which he fused into the Cipher of Texvu, allowing us access to the great Temple and Lair of the the Elite Muramites trapped in Telosia. After visiting Brevil, I visited Beanalle Banoam and gave him the shard of dark matter which he condensed into a form sutable for merging into my socketed gem, transforming it into a Jagged Black Matter Shard.
Later that night I went to scout Texvu and found a Trushar cowering near the spot the statue in Q'Vic ported me to. He informed me that the State port was closed to him and the only way he could activate it was with a Signet of Command. He also said the Signet would allows us to teleport into the upper sactum of the temple, Tacvi and confront the Commander of the Muramites. The Signet is in possetion of the Zum'Murum in charge of the lower temple and we will have to find a way to access and defeat him.