Rikkukin the Defender and other things.

Captain Burina ask us to go talk to Rikkukin the Defender on the Peak of the Ascent and warn him that the Dark Reighn was about to attack. Despite our warnings and good will Rikkukin attacked us. After a fierce battle with the dragon we defeated him.
The next day I was in Undershore and spoke with an exiled Drachnid going by the name of Hourglass. He asked us to destroy some of the Gargoyles and retrieve the souls of undead Drachnids in Ilsalin.
Later Kanetheus Forestwalker ask me to bring a peace offering to the Goblin Koi master in Stillmoon temple. When we tried to deliver it a drake snatched to offering, forcing us to track him down and kill him. The Koi master was please with the offering once we delivered it.