2.0 checklist

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Joined: 07/19/2006

1. Hail, Lirprin, Head of Affairs and recieved 4 spy task - solo task []
2. Gunthak Event - raid []
3. Iceclad Event - raid []
4. Nedaria/Everfrost Event - raid []
5. Collects needed to spawn Bloodfield event if key mob is not up - group []

    5a. Bucket Mute []
    5b. Brass Mouthpiece []
    5c. Thin leader Strap []
    5d. Polished Bone Horn []

6. Bloodfields Event - raid []
7. RCoD Event - 4 people only []
8. Collect needed from Anguish - raid []

    8a. Globe of Discordant Energy []

9. Turn in for Epic 2.0 completion - solo []

Step 2 through 6 must be completed (in any order) for step 7.