SK - 1.5 and 2.0 checklist

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Dionysuss's picture
Joined: 10/25/2007

I got this post from evilgamer and I found it useful so I am posting this for people who are working on 1.5/2.0

[X] Hail Ritald in Dulak
[X] Killed Captain Varns and looted Ancient Flamberge of Hatred
[X] Killed Olidan in Storms, looted Stormborn Phylactery
[X] Loot Essence of Hate from Tier 4 named in Hate ((Map))
[X] Hand the Flamberge, Phylactery, and Essence to Ritald. Get Innoruuk's Voice.

Epic 1.5 Checklist
[X] Hail, Sienne Kastene in PoK. ((Note: Those who did the pre-quest must HAND her Innoruuk's Voice.))

[X] Hail, Librarian Maelin in PoK Library. Say "I am here about the tome."

[X] Kill a Murkglider Breeder in City of Dranik. Loot A Gelatinous Murkglider Egg.

[X] Give Murkglider Egg to Maelin. Get "The Silent Gods."

[X] Hand "The Silent Gods" to Sienne.

[X] Create the Sheath of Dark Tidings.

  • [X] Gloom Nightmare Hide: a gloom nightmare in PoN -
  • [X] Lock of Blessed Unicorn Hair: a rolling plains steed in PoG
  • [X] Eye of the Dark Gods: Amygladen Knight in PoFear.
  • [X] Combine in Tailoring kits: 100ish Trivial -

[X] Give Sheath of Dark Tidings to Sienne -

[X] Kill Fraga in PoValor. Loot Fraga's Parchment. -

[X] Give Fraga's Parchment to Sienne. -

[X] Hail and kill The Wailing Sister in PoN. Loot Wailing Rune and Wailing Sister's Blood.

[X] Hand the Rune and Blood to Sienne. Get Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice. -

[X] Hail Gilina Yilzior in PoK. Hand her Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice

[X] Shadowknight Hunt: ((See 1.5 info post for locations))

  • [X] Silithis Sistna: Timorous Deep
  • [X] Gubblegrot Smashfist: Ocean of Tears
  • [X] Skurza Slickutt: Swamp of No Hope
  • [X] Giggleattabus Igglebix:

[X] Turn in heads to Gilina. Receive Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice.

[X] Hail Tarnamil in Kithicor. Kill the paladins that spawn. Loot 3 Sample of Paladin's Blood.

[X] Hand Gilina Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice and the 3 blood samples.

[X] Hail and Kill Sir Elmonius Falmont in Western Wastes.
[X] Loot Sir Elmonius Falmost and receive Sir Falmont's Holy Symbol.
[X] Hand Sir Falmont's Holy Symbol to Gilina
[X] Receive Innoruuk's Voice.

2.0 Checklist
[X] Hail Gilina in PoK, say "What vision"
[X] Kill Kiledna in CoM, loot Kiledna's Head.
[X] Turn head in to Gilina
[X] Loot Lhranc's Corrupted Bracer from Mortiferous golems in Charassis, East wing.
[X] Loot Lhranc's Ring from various undead mobs in Kithicor
[X] Loot Lhrance's Pendant from Lord Ghiosk and Black Reavers in CoM

[X] Turn in the Pendant/Ring/Bracer, receive Lhrance's Eartly Anchor
[X ] Loot Globe of Discordant Energy
[X] Turn in Anchor and Globe to Filingo in RCoD, kill Lhranc, loot Essence of the Shadowknight
[X] Turn in 1.5 and Essence, receive Innoruuk's Dark Blessing


***If any SK need help with pre-quest or 1.5/2.0 just send me ingame tell.

Joined: 04/30/2006
Pre-Quest [X] Hail Ritald in

[X] Hail Ritald in Dulak
[X] Killed Captain Varns and looted Ancient Flamberge of Hatred
[X] Killed Olidan in Storms, looted Stormborn Phylactery
[X] Loot Essence of Hate from Tier 4 named in Hate ((Map))
[X] Hand the Flamberge, Phylactery, and Essence to Ritald. Get Innoruuk's Voice.

Epic 1.5 Checklist
[X] Hail, Sienne Kastene in PoK. ((Note: Those who did the pre-quest must HAND her Innoruuk's Voice.))

[X] Hail, Librarian Maelin in PoK Library. Say "I am here about the tome."

[X] Kill a Murkglider Breeder in City of Dranik. Loot A Gelatinous Murkglider Egg.

[X] Give Murkglider Egg to Maelin. Get "The Silent Gods."

[X] Hand "The Silent Gods" to Sienne.

[X] Create the Sheath of Dark Tidings.

* [X] Gloom Nightmare Hide: a gloom nightmare in PoN -
* [X] Lock of Blessed Unicorn Hair: a rolling plains steed in PoG
* [X] Eye of the Dark Gods: Amygladen Knight in PoFear.
* [X] Combine in Tailoring kits: 100ish Trivial -

[X] Give Sheath of Dark Tidings to Sienne -

[X] Kill Fraga in PoValor. Loot Fraga's Parchment. -

[X] Give Fraga's Parchment to Sienne. -

[X] Hail and kill The Wailing Sister in PoN. Loot Wailing Rune and Wailing Sister's Blood.

[X] Hand the Rune and Blood to Sienne. Get Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice. -

[X] Hail Gilina Yilzior in PoK. Hand her Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice

[X] Shadowknight Hunt: ((See 1.5 info post for locations))

* [X] Silithis Sistna: Timorous Deep
* [X] Gubblegrot Smashfist: Ocean of Tears
* [X] Skurza Slickutt: Swamp of No Hope
* [X] Giggleattabus Igglebix:

[X] Turn in heads to Gilina. Receive Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice.

[X] Hail Tarnamil in Kithicor. Kill the paladins that spawn. Loot 3 Sample of Paladin's Blood.

[X] Hand Gilina Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice and the 3 blood samples.

[X] Hail and Kill Sir Elmonius Falmont in Western Wastes.
[X] Loot Sir Elmonius Falmost and receive Sir Falmont's Holy Symbol.
[X] Hand Sir Falmont's Holy Symbol to Gilina
[X] Receive Innoruuk's Voice.

2.0 Checklist
[X] Hail Gilina in PoK, say "What vision"
[X] Kill Kiledna in CoM, loot Kiledna's Head.
[X] Turn head in to Gilina
[ ] Loot Lhranc's Corrupted Bracer from Mortiferous golems in Charassis, East wing.
[ ] Loot Lhranc's Ring from various undead mobs in Kithicor
[ ] Loot Lhrance's Pendant from Lord Ghiosk and Black Reavers in CoM

[ ] Turn in the Pendant/Ring/Bracer, receive Lhrance's Eartly Anchor
[ ] Loot Globe of Discordant Energy
[ ] Turn in Anchor and Globe to Filingo in RCoD, kill Lhranc, loot Essence of the Shadowknight
[ ] Turn in 1.5 and Essence, receive Innoruuk's Dark Blessing

******************************* Manditik - ShadowKnight [Main] Tranu - Shaman [Box] Maninuke - Wizard [Box] Mandiboom - Mage [Box]