Run Speed List

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Snatched from Monkly-Business:

by Einyen of Elemental Dawn

*credits to Einyen himself, Khroghleulai, Saraah and Tomax

Run0: (29.8 coordinates/sec)

Rope horse (9k): +7%
Run1: +10%
Run2: +20%
Run3: +30%
Spirit of the shrew: +30%
Jboots: +35%
Tboots: +35%
Swift Journey 1: +40%
Illusion Scaled Wolf: +45%
Swift Journey 2: +50%
Spirit of Wolf: +55%
Wolf Form (selfonly): +55%
Spirit of Eagle: +60%
Share Wolf Form: +60%
Greater Wolf Form (selfonly): +60%
Form of the Great Wolf (selfonly): +60%
Share Form of the Great Wolf: +62%
Flight of Eagles: +65%
Scale of wolf (breaks when hit): +70%
Form of the Hunter(selfonly): +72%
Chain horse (100k): +114%
Spirit of cheetah (selfonly): +115%
Paladin AA horse: +150%
Bard speed (at runspeed cap, absolutely max in game): +156%

I still miss from my list:
Leather horse (30k)
Silk horse (60k)
Emperor/Seru horse

Points worth noting:
- Spirit of Shrew (indoor sow) is same speed as run3 and therefore worthless except for lowlevel chars without AAs.
- The GoD AA "Swift Journey 2" (formerly known as "Advanced Innate Runspeed 2") takes you almost to sow-speed.
- Flight of Eagles is slightly faster than Spirit of Eagles.
- 100k horse is Spirit of Cheetah speed which is between "2 times sow" and "2 times soe".
- Paladin AA horse is practically at runspeed cap (talk about overpowered Im NOT jealous)
- Runspeed cap in game is 2.56 times as fast as Run0.

Run Speed List

not going to disagree with the % Eald posted but these are the druid ones we get and the speeds i found.

Spirti of the Wolf
lvl 14
34%(9) to 55% (50)

Spirt of the Cheetah (last 8ticks)
lvl 24
99%(l4) 115%(40)

Wolf form (self only)
lvl 24
45%(24) 55%(50)

Scale of the wolf (drops you hit, get hit, or cast anything)
lvl 29
57%(24) 70&(50)

Greater wolf from (self only)
lvl 34
52%(34) 60%(50)

Spirt of Shrew(can be unsed indoors)
lvl 34
30%(for any lvl)

Share wolf form(group)
lvl 39
49%(39) 60%(50)

Form of the Greater wolf (self only)
lvl 44
57%(44) 60%(50)

Share Form of the Greate Wolf (group)
lvl 49
59%(49) 62%(54)

Feral Pack (group) (indoor)
lvl 52
30% at any lvl

Fomr of the howler (self only)
60%(54) 67%(60)

Spirt of Eagel
lvl 54
57%(54) 60%(60)

Form of the hunter (self only)
lvl 60
70%(60) 72%(65)

Fligh of Egales (group)
lvl 62
62%(62) 65%(65)

these are all the speed spells druids never knew where were so many till i acutlally worte the list down /shrug

looks like our numbers matched just added a few that were not on your list.