Trouble logging on

5 replies [Last post]
Joined: 03/18/2003

Hello I just entered my information in the KotG webform and recieved a confirmation email. However when I use my login and password, I recieve:

Incorrect Login or Password.

I wasn't sure if an activation process needed to take place first?


Joined: 03/20/2002
Replying to Topic 'Trouble logging on'

For the form, usernames can only be a max of 10 characters, so your usename is 'Shadowmour'. Try loggin in with that name.
Is your character Laurl guilded? (Sorry I've been afk from game for a bit)

"I'm not dead yet!!"

Joined: 03/18/2003
Replying to Topic 'Trouble logging on'

Thanks Masin!

That was it. I logged in using 'Shadowmour' and was able to access my information. I have not been guilded yet. Up to this point I have only completed steps 1 and 2 of the recruitment process. Looks like my next step is to group with someone in the guild. Iane offered to possibly group with me sometime with a Paladin alt.

Joined: 07/26/2002
Replying to Topic 'Trouble logging on'

I have been looking for you to invite you in. Give myself or any officer a tell and we do that asap.'=)


Joined: 03/18/2003
Replying to Topic 'Trouble logging on'

I am sorry Bimbolou, I have not been able to play much the last couple of days. I should be on Friday and Sunday evenings. I will look for you or an officer for admittance. Thanks!

Replying to Topic 'Trouble logging on'

send Iane or Deania a tell in game and as long as i am not too busy i wil group with you for a while Smiling.

Deania btw is my pally. i am on far to much so should be able to find me easy.