Omegga does it again! I gotta hand it to the guy because pulling fear I lost count of the number of dirt naps he was willing to take to succeed but as a mini raid we did it in very respectable time. Estimated over 100 mobs
What started out as just under a grp turned in to almost 3 grps eating mobs as we went. Epic drops were pretty generous to us tonight:
3 x Eye of the Dark God (SK 1.5)
2 x Amygdaln whips (Bard 1.0)
1 x Shissar snake staff head (Enchanter 1.0)
Countless gems, fear armor for all classes, and MQable old school items dropped throughout.
Dracoliche gave up some nice caster gear, Gratz Methadine
Cazic Thule was stingy on the Soul Leech & Amulet of Necropotence (AoN) but he did drop Pauldrons of Ferocity & Bile Drenched waist/neck piece upgrading Kitkat (sp).
This was the first raid I comfortable running the video camera in as well...Omegga kept an awesome pace and everything he brought back no matter how big or small the train was quickly eaten by a bunch of hungry Keepers. Our only let down was Faremoni didn't get his drop from the scarelings for rogue (1.5) and Fright, Dread, & Terror were no shows 
After the initial break in as tempo became steady everyone attending new and old had a chance to discuss old versus new you may know some of the old horror stories of Fear have been nerfed....I learned CT no longer deathtouches every 30 seconds, instead of gating you really can take the portal in the middle level of the temple lol, Scarelings large imp spawn at death is indifferent yet assists when around other mobs...this was fun and informative at the same time....very few walked away from this raid without learning something new. Excellent work everyone!! Now if only those darn Golems would stand up long enough to be turned into Keeper food!
Thanks to everyone who showed for the event I got screen shots of each of you and some ok footage of Dracolich but great footage of the Cazic kill.
Happy Hunting!