a few of our guild members were asking what stuff was and waht it was for etc. they sugessted that we create a tread telling what things are and what they are for. i know alot but any help would be great. when i get the list totally done i will creat a thread and either make it a sticky or have someone do it for me
Morning Dew - foraged in Lfay or Gfay - wood elf cultural smithing and tayloring
Essence of sunlight - drop off of old world mid to high lvl mobs - Human clutural smithing
heavy clay - rare drop off muddites in Beholders - pottery
this is the sort of thing we are talking about; post any and all ideas you have here or send me a e-mail or privlate message. i heop to have this thread created and organized sometime next week.
also post if you are looking for any items and what they are for then when i post the items i can post who needs them. i really need help with the dye from some of our smiths since that part still totally confuses me.
alos post if you have any weird stuff and you want to get rid of it or whant to know what it is for