There are Basically Concurrent Flaging Paths that you can work to get to Elementals. I'm going to start posting strategyies for where we are on each path, so you all can read up on them and be prepared for any of the 4 if we have to change targets. One guilde tags each path with a element and I'm going to use those names. I'm just listing the flags everyone needs, not key quests.
Wind progression
PoJ: Any 1 of 6 Trials; Flag for PoV and PoS
POV: Aerin'Dar; Flag for HoH
You are now flagged for the Halls of Honor. <br><br>
HOH: Complete the three HOH trials; Flag for HoHb
"Screaming Women" (SE basement)
"Save the Villagers/aka YMCA" (NW basement),
Ryda'Dar the Dragon (NE basement)
HOH-B: Kill Mithaniel Marr; Part of Solro Tower and RZTW flag
Water progression
PoJ: Any 1 of 6 Trials; Flag for PoV and PoS
POS: BoT Key Quest
BOT: Complete the Angarr event and rescue Karana.
Part of Solro Tower and RZTW flag
Earth progression
POD: Kill Grummus; Flag for CoD
COD: Do the "Caprin cycle" which ends with killing the High Priest; Flag for CoD-B (actually same zone separedted by a port)
COD: Kill Bertoxxolous; Flagged for PoTorm and Part of Saryn Flag.
PON: Complete Hedge trial Flag for PoNB
PON-B: Kill Terris Thule; Flagged for PoTorm and Part of Saryn Flag.
PoTorm:Kill Keeper of Sorrows
PoTorm:Kill Saryrn; Part of Solro Tower and RZTW flag.
Fire progression
POI: Kill the Mechanical Behemoth. Flaged for Tactics.
Tactics: Kill Tallon Zek; Part of Solro Tower and RZTW flag.
Tactics: Kill Vallon Zek; Part of Solro Tower and RZTW flag.
Solro:Kill the five mini-bosses: Part of Flag for Solro Chamber
The Protector of Dresolik
Tactics: Kill Rallos Zek The Warlord; Part of Flag for Solro Chamber and Part of RZTW Flag (Air, Water Earth Flag).
Solro: Kill Solro; Flaged for Fire
Current Alliance Targets On Each Path: Strats you should be familiar with
Wind: Aerin'Dar
Water: Agnarr event
Earth: Caprin cycle and maybe Grummus for newcomers.
Fire: Mechanical Behemoth