We have been using complete heal chains on some of our raids recently, and everyone has been more than willing to help. Each cleric should set up a social button to make using the CH chain easier. This one includes the pause time so that the chain's timing is more exact also.
Line 1: /kotgheal #1 Complete Heal inc >> %T <<
Line 2: /cast 1 (this will be the number of the spell gem you have the complete heal spell memorized on)
Line 3: /pause 40
Line 4: /kotgheal #2 next
The pause time can be increased or decreased as needed. A /pause 100=10 seconds, so the number of seconds you want to pause followed by a 0 is an easy way to remember how to set it.
It is important that the healers in the heal chain focus on the tank, or whoever the chain is set up for. We all care about our groups and want to keep them healed too, but unfortunately, if the tank dies it is likely most everone else will die too. We have some wonderful shammys and druids who are great healers and can heal the groups.
I know there are a lot of ways to set up the complete heal chain social. I use this one for the example because it is very simple. If all of us use the same setup, it will be easy to recognize in the channel. You guys are doing an awesome job!