Heal Rotation Messages

8 replies [Last post]
Joined: 08/11/2005

Not sure how to make a poll be in the forum messages on the new site (the new site is beautiful though!) So think about it, and let us know what you think. There are good things and not so good things about each one. If all messages go to the regular heal channel, it spams those who aren't in the heal rotation. If heal rotation messages go to a separate channel, it doesn't spam the others but they also don't know what's going on, or if someone stops healing in their spot all of a sudden they can't see that. It's also harder for someone else to step in if they aren't watching. How can we best set up heal rotation messages so it works best for the whole heal team?

Joined: 05/07/2005
I used to have a handle on

I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Sorry , I am confused....seems to me that the 1st and 3rd choice on the poll are the same thing ...heal channel or separate heal channel....what is the difference in the two?

I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Joined: 08/11/2005
Everyone joins the guild

Everyone joins the guild raid channel and the loot channel, but only loot related messages go to the loot channel. This is kind of like option 3, where all healers would join both channels, but only heal rotation messages would be sent to the separate channel. The main advantage to this option would be that everyone could see what was going on, and it would be quicker to get someone to step in for a dead rotation healer. Main disadvantage I can think of would be that it is another channel to join.

The hardest thing about doing nothing is knowing when you're finished.

Joined: 12/05/2004
we are losing raiders due to

we are losing raiders due to the number of required channels. If we have two heal channels some will join only one some only the other. it is a bad idea

Joined: 01/27/2005
I do not think it is the number of channels

This causes us to lose raiders? There are too many reasons we lose raiders to list on a single post, but here goes a simple attempt:

We raid too much
We raid to little
We raid the wrong targets
We don't raid the target i want/need
I don't feel like raiding today
I don't like DKP
I don't like(insert toon name here)
I cannot raid that early
I cannot raid that late
I do not like the way buffs are done
I only want to be MA(or other job someone already has been assigned)
I die too much
The raids take to long
The raids are too short
The raids are boring
It takes to long to get moving
I can never get buffed before we start

I think you get the point.

I do not think i have ever seen someone complain about chat windows being the reason they do not go on a raid, however, i agree, a seperate chat channel only for CH rotation is a bit overkill. I would not have requested a seperate channel for DKP except i do not want to mess it up.

Also, this goes back to, You cannot make all of the people happy all of the time. That is just a fact of life.

Barbarian Shaman of the 75th season
High Elf Wizard of the 75th season

Neaneve's picture
Joined: 01/22/2007
"How can we best set up heal

"How can we best set up heal rotation messages so it works best for the whole heal team?"

This is THEE question of the post. When it comes to heal rotation the only people concerned with it are the clerics in my opinion... esp being they are the ones healing in the rotation. This is not to say that Shamans and Druids cannot heal. But.. in a heal rotation it should just be the clerics. The druids and Shamans should be spot healing in thier assigned groups. The clerics should have hotkeys that target the MA, SA and TA. The clerics should have the rotation channel and not even be concerned with the spot heals because that is not the primary focus of a "heal rotation" .. the rotation is.

So my 2 copper is... A rotation channel for clerics. Spot heals should be in group because the group is the only concern for the spot healers... Druids and Shamans.

Joined: 03/10/2006
CH Heal Rotation Channel

My First Post...Enjoy

The extra CHRot channel makes it easier for me to pick out the message from the previous cleric to CAST NOW. Using only the normal channel, I have to glean this line from the myriad of heals cast by 15 to 20 other healers, instead of the 3 to 4 I need to concentrate on.


Miss the Cast Now Line and 4 other folks are waiting to see if you cast, and the MA dies. Not a Happy ending. My 2 CP worth.


Captain America

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Joined: 07/09/2002
Meboom Mebigg, 75

Meboom Mebigg, 75 Conqueror

Just want to comment that when we go up against named raid targets, such as in Time, a heal rotation should always be in place. If we find, after repeated successes, that a heal rotation isn't needed for some mobs then we can switch back. But the heal channel should still talk about it especially when we have a lower turn-out than normal even if we have done without a rotation previously when we had a larger force. I would rather hear post-fight comments such as "mob was too easy - no rotation needed" rather than "another wipe - guess we shoulda had a rotation".

Meboom Mebigg, 75 Conqueror

Joined: 01/13/2005
i have two sets of keys set

i have two sets of keys set up now with the new ui.  all i have to do is click up or down once to be on the set i want.  when we have a chrot going other heal messages should only be going to group.  When we have a lower turn out that often means we are short healers as well and its hard to make sure everyone is getting healed since more than the ma is getting agro especially if there are adds. In those situations a chrot is almost impossible to maintain.Â