I am still waiting for the discussion log to be posted of the cleric/healer meeting we held last week. Respectfully, there were important issues discussed that needed to be addressed. Several KEY clerics and healers were not around for my speech, some of it was specifically meant for them to consider. They said they would wait for the meeting minutes to be posted to these boards.
However, we had a good turn out of 17 people. It should be noted that it is NOT possible to get every single person that needs to, to attend, but you can do the best with what you have.
Respectfully, from both a cleric and non cleric point of view, without pointing fingers or placing individual blame, there are Big issues that do need to be addressed. Especially with some of those who showed up late.
For others who were not able to make it to the start of the meeting, I filled them in on what I personally addressed, as I had my whole speech hotkeyed. I appreciate those officers that took the time to listen to my concerns.
The LOG of the meeting, if it was done is found in
C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest\Logs
It is done by character name and date.
IF there is no log I will gladly supply here the speech I gave to facilitate further discussion. However, it would be a shame if there WERE no log as a LOT of people contributed greatly, proactively and productively to the discussion.
Again, I hope the meeting log gets posted soon. Myself and quite a few other people would have a better time if we died less on raids.