Monk dps Disc/Tomes

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Fulic's picture
Joined: 02/27/2005

*Edited 11/14/08 New AA's and Disc.* 

Out dated with SoD. Whenever they finish our Disc and AA's I will post the revised version. They still working on Zan Fi, Five Point Palm, Eye Gouge/Stunning Kick, and Punchthrough. 



Gorrathe's picture
Joined: 03/26/2007
One thing I do...

I know its not much but if I need a little extra DPS I start by clicking my 2.0, then hit innerflame disc and then immediatly hit wheel of fists. If you time it right you can get another wheel of fists in before the timer runs out on innerflame and get more bang for the buck. Plus your 2.0 reduces the time it takes for innerflame to become useable....not by much tho, but every bit helps. After that I usually hit Third Wind if its up to regain a little of the lost endurance.

I know where you live.