I used to be good at traps and then a couple years back Sony decided to "fix" our trap sensing and disarming skills. I thought if I waited the "fixes" would be workable again. Well after a trip to the sewers I find that it is just as fixed and unworkable as when they 1st fixed it. Gotta love Sony..
Anyway, I thought I would share what my research has uncovered and if any other rogues (or other trap disarmers) have found anything to add, please post here so we can make are traps as workable as possible.
It seems that what they have done is decrease the sensing raduis to the point that sometimes the trap will sense you before you can sense it. There is an AA that may or may not help with this. Seems there is mixed feelings as to whether it helps or not.
Traps are now 'smart'. Where an ae can knock your SoS off and make you visible, a trap can 'see' you and make you visible. So AA like nerve of steel may not help against a trap.
One person said that if you have anything in your target when sensing traps you will not be able to sense it. that is corpses or anything. Frankly if someone thinks holding your tongue to one side while sensing traps helps I would try it hehe.
That was the best tidbits I found out there, please add if you have anything that works or helps and good luck out there fellow backstabbas