Worn Ferocity vs. AA Ferocity

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Yorag's picture
Joined: 10/02/2006

Well, I asked a simple question on The Steel Warrior website about Worn Ferocity and AA Ferocity as I wasn't sure if they stacked, or if the AA's actually overide the worn. Well, I got my answer that they do stack, but got completely bashed by several posters because apparently my AC is not up to their standards.
You can read the posts, but it really made me mad as you can tell by some of my replies. It's true that I have chosen HP augments in several slots simply because I don't have any AC augs. to put in them. I don't know how many times I've been to RSS for that darn Flameshield Stone Aug., but I have never gotten one. Sad

Oh well, I guess that's why I don't post on that site very often.......


Neaneve's picture
Joined: 01/22/2007
AC Augs

There are many AC aug's that drop in Splitpaw now that its a Hotzone. I have 2-3 AC 10 Type 7,8 that I have recieved from there. As much as I hate the zone I would help ya get some. I have a friend in from ES that says AC is everything at the high end zones.

Yorag's picture
Joined: 10/02/2006
Thanks !

I am hoping to find some of the 20-25 AC augments from Vald. and RSS, since I'll be replacing mostly 50 HP augments. As I wrote in my post on the Steel Warrior site, The tradeoff between 10 AC and 50 HP is about equal assuming that normally 1 AC equals about 5-6 HP. If I'm going to give up 50HP I certainly want to do it with a bit more AC.
Thanks for the offer Neaneve!

Conqueror Yorag
75th Imperator

Faremoni Shadowdancer's picture
Joined: 05/09/2005
Faremoni Magelo stab-stab...

Faremoni Magelo
stab-stab... stab... stab-stab-stab

LMAO - Those guys on that forum seem to fail to realize something very important in this game...
There are more then one ways to flay a cat as the old expression says... You can build a tank that works either way. Massive HP lower AC or massive AC lower HP... Both will work depending on how you set up your AA's.
The choice is entirely up to the player and not the general publicum to tell you how to do. As long as you keep aggro and are sturdy enough to stand up between CHeals, it makes no difference how you do it.
That is as stupid as saying rogues shouldn't go for defensive AA's since they don't tank, they should go DPS only... Well that's not always the case either. Utdar and Kanthur both solo a lot and that's not even an option to do without defensives, take it from someone that knows from experience. LMAO - I have totally neglected defensives on Faremoni and gone all out offensive and sneaky stuff. it works for my style of playing a rogue and if Yorag works for your style of playing, then don't listen to the iron-dorks from that site. LOL

As for RSS, I love that place! Definately one of my favourite zones to hang out and kill things in. I'll be happy to go there with either rogue or monk. AA xp there is comparable to Valdeholm because the Pyrilens give 2-5 % per kill, valdeholm giants 3-6% per kill. But the Pyrilens die faster and pop quickly so in a good group, AA is faster in RSS then in Valdehom in my opinion.

Besides, I want some of those AC and HP augs for monk also. My plan is to make that monk a semi-tank and off-tank on guild raids. To do that, I need her to be sturdy and robust. I'll be glad to go hunt down those augments with you.


*Yaaaawwwn* - Where's that dern coffee...

Yorag's picture
Joined: 10/02/2006

Thanks for the moral support Fare ! It was just kind of an unexpected assault on my character that appeared to get launched for no particular reason other than to bash me.
I agree with you, I think a good tank is comprised of both AC and HP in a balanced way. I have all of my defensive and offensive AA's, and I am able to solo pretty efficiently in several places. I can hold agro. consistently in the raid environment and I haven't heard any clerics complain about how much healing I require.
The old AC vs. HP argument has been going on for as long as I have been playing, and there are obviously people on both sides of the fence. I just try to build my character for the maximum AC and HP that is possible.
I don't think that replacing a 50HP augment with a 10AC augment is going to make a bit of difference when I'm tanking a mob that hits for 1500 -2000. But in my mind, it makes complete sense to replace a 50HP Aug. with a 25AC one. Unfortunately, those 20-30AC augs. just don't fall off trees, you have to have a good group and some luck to get them.

Conqueror Yorag
75th Imperator

Joined: 09/29/2006
also,do note that those

also,do note that those people in steelwarrior forums are oobertoon101, so dont worry about what they say, if you want, there is also a 25ac aug that drops from rss, they maynot be the best xp, but they do fit in type 7/8 gear for wrist, bp, legs. if you want i usually 2 box those nameds at times (though i dont have any good time atm since ineed a new ac adapter and im broke lol) i could prolly help you out on that . also, work on your defensive aa's so that those mob that hits for 1500ish or above, would cut off a good portion of that. if you need some advice that wont bash you for what you lack off, ask here in guild forum, which im sure they would be more than happy to lend you a hand.


NOW, back to the real topic, Fero AA and Ferocity augs/mods do stack, you know what it does already, but do know that with good amount of Ferocity (aa's or mod) it would also increase the amount of aggro on your end, so this is one of the most important quality of a tank. AC (at least in my oppinion no bash necessary lol), hp, anger disc/augs/aggro, slash mod/combat effects/accuracy (to increase the ability for your weapon to proc) Fero. at least this is my oppinion