Story time

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Hi guys, It's me Jahpal. Here is a story/Poem that I just made up, Hope you all like it. Let me know what you think of it.

"The Ballot of Michael the Gnome"

If your tired and far from home,
Hear my tale of Mike the Gnome.
Michael the Gnome he did see,
How much fun adventures be.
Late at night in his bed,
Thoughts of loot filled his head.
The Plat and riches in his home,
Oh how he'd be a happy Gnome.
When one day he could not stand,
to hear tales of other's land.
Against Friend's warnings he would go,
and to prove them wrong, he will show.
To the merchants he did skip,
to buy provisions for his trip.
A new cloak, new armor, and sword,
10 backpacks for loot to horde.
and a boat he just bought,
from a gnome's used boat lot.
He left his home and had a plan,
to see the world from elves to man.
In his pockets with plat he'd fill,
Were in his mind, oh what a thrill.
To have riches he would see
filled his heart with Gnomish glee.
From raid to raid he did hurry,
of danger he had no worry.
From day to month and month to year,
his Gnomish greed had no peer.
His bags were filled to the top
but still he would not even stop.
In the taverns he did boast
of how he plundered from coast to coast.
From tavern to tavern he did roam,
drooling on women, that sick little Gnome.
Alone in bed just laying there
To the ceiling he did stare.
In his mind he did wonder
which land next to plunder.
To the south he would go,
to riches and power, he didn't know.
The power, money, women galore
the more he thought, he wanted more.
When the morning was finally here
Mike was found upon the pier.
Now in his boat with paddle in hand
he sailed to a strange new land
There he traveled to Feerott
where he was eventually caught.
His treasures lost out to the sea
oh what is to become of me.
Mike's own fate he did not know
which filled his heart with sadning woe.
so if in Feerott you should pass
and feeling a little low on gas.
Come to Oggok, we welcome you
to a sandwich and Michael stew.

Joined: 01/30/2003
Replying to Topic 'Story time'

Nice Jahpal. Important thing little gnomes should not travel to Ferrott they will become an ogre snack. Smiling

Racsandale Woodelf Druid

Remember tomorrow is a brand new day and it has no mistakes in it yet.

Joined: 07/26/2002
Replying to Topic 'Story time'

I love it and I enjoyed the stew wif Meboom .Laughing out loud

Replying to Topic 'Story time'

lol, that was great! a whole new spin on poetry (-: