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My os is ms xp, cookies enabled have no idea norton firewall have no idea have norton virus protection.Two weeks ago had no problem for a couple weeks in getting into forums. I am not a comp person so what seems simple for you may not be for me. Hope this has helped.
Jeff Neese / ELsabolt

Joined: 03/20/2002
Replying to Topic 'acess'

This is probably not the issue, but I just want to make sure where you are logging in.
This is just a reminder, and is directed more towards everyone, and not you Elsabolt specifically.

On the main menu for the website, at the left and bottom is a link entitled "KotG Characters"


That link is for access to your account to edit and add characters to the roster. It will not log anyone into the forums.

To log into the forums, you have to first click on the 'Forums" link, which also is in the website menu to the left. This takes you to the 'Main' forum page. If you are already logged into the Forums, it should have a line that says "Welcome Back, <your name>!"

If you are not already logged on to the FORUMS, you will have to scroll to the bottom to login with your 'Forum' ID. This FORUM ID and password can be totally different (but doesn't have to be) from the ID and password you may use to login to the website account listed above.

**Edit - changed link descriptor to match link**

"I'm not dead yet!!"