Getting New Video Card and monitor

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Joined: 01/27/2005

OK, who can reccomend what AGP and PCI-X cards should go in a puter to play at 1920x1200 resoluation?

I am getting that new Acer 24" widescreen LCD monitor for both my wife and I.

I need a PCI-X card, and she needs AGP

Boad's picture
Joined: 03/20/2002
Getting New Video Card and monitor

Since I don't know your price range here are some suggestions:

1) I tend to like nvidia products, check the 7#00 lines
2) If you're going to be connecting to a flat pannel make sure the card supports dvi out (on one of my flat pannels I'm running analog - aka not dvi - and it does have noticeable distortion)
3) You don't need 512Mb of ram on the card. 256 should be more than enough for EQ (with all quality textures set to high).


Boad Redblades
KOTG Webmaster and badly dressed retired Ranger

Joined: 01/27/2005
Getting New Video Card and monitor

the monitor is a 24" LCD,, and i am planning on spending about $250 to $300 on the cards(each). I will make sure the card has a dvi output. I am currently looking at an ATI x1600 atm. Need 1 agp and PCIx.

Joined: 06/03/2004
Getting New Video Card and monitor

Myself Bam I agree with Boad. I lean towards the NVidia chipsets...had bad drive luck with ATI drivers. Anywho, I have had great success with the EVGA line in the 7600-7900 line. I do like the EVGA 7600 GT for only $200, its a PCI express 16 with core clock of 600Mhz and a memory clock of 1560 MHz 256 MB ..hard to beat that little card for the price. Slap two of these bad boys in an SLI configuration and look out ..hehehe :twisted:


Mordethe 80 Necro

Ardekis 74 Pally

Originally Posted by midnoctus "Some Necs can Kite in a phone booth"

Joined: 01/14/2006
Getting New Video Card and monitor

Last I checked ATI has the edge with PCI-E cards with their 1k series, for AGP I would go for an Nvidia 7800 . Check I usually buy from them and most of the products have a nice amount of customer feedback.

ATI 1k series


Joined: 10/16/2005
Getting New Video Card and monitor

And you still get the west bug in Torment....


Joined: 01/27/2005
Getting New Video Card and monitor

Yes i do, it sux.