Hey guys whats up, I did not want to make a big deal about his issue untile I had to. Taking your computer in to be serviced can be a costly project. Many time when i log out of EQ i find myself crossing my fingers that it system will not lock up and crash. The most common time this happens my comp wont tell me anything about the issue that went wrong. For those of you who have windows XP you will understand what i am saying. But when my computer decides to tell me somthing about the or a issue that causes my comp to crash when EQ shuts down it flashes to a blue screen and says,
Problem with this file
it tells me that there is an infinate loop and my comp needs to be sshut down to stop damage to the Hardware. this above problrm hspprnd only every 1 out of 10 or 20 time my comp crashes after saying fare well to you guys. sometime wonce i get to the server board things go just as planned but other time my comp locs up and i have no option but to turn it off from the power source,.
I knlw this is a ig question one of the only reasons i ask this is becous my comp is less than 2 years old......\\\\\
m any helo would be great