logging in

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Masin set up an account on ez board Tholuxe.com and posted a message for ya still can't do anything here but this it still says when i try to log in that elsabolt or elsa does not exist
thanks for your help will get by with it like it is no one else is having problems so most likley me not being smart enough to get it to work.

Joined: 03/20/2002
Replying to Topic 'logging in'

bummer! OK, on to the Never-ending solution search.

Now I created a generic forum id named 'kotgguest' and changed a few of the ID settings. So lets see what happens if you try logging on with this ID.

Username: kotgguest
Password: guest

Try logging onto the Forums with this ID. It currently will not allow access to the members accounts, but lets just test access and posting to any of the other categories.

"**Believe it or not, everytime I try checking something else, I seem to learn a new little feature about the forums. I since have learned a solution to a strange display itme, where accessing the forums would bring up only a forum screen on a white background, instead of the forums integrated into the website. So hopefully we can figure this out sometime.**

"I'm not dead yet!!"