Lost password

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yes im posting this as live as im not worried about it..

ive lost my password..

please email me with the new one to

[Edit: email removed by boad]


and as for POJ trials.. as soon as i can post again.. i need one.. i can mez up to lvl 57 and should be able to handle the run.. ive been thru the trial once over on povar and we won easily .. but we had 2 lvl 67 shm with super doggies off tanking..

thanks all .. had great fun doin storm giants..

hope to get the sash and bone soon..

Boad's picture
Joined: 03/20/2002
Lost password

Next time, you'll want to use the forgotten password link. http://www.keepersoftheglade.com/forums/profile.php?mode=sendpassword

I sent you a new one just in case.


Boad Redblades
KOTG Webmaster and badly dressed retired Ranger