
10 replies [Last post]

For some reason I can't get on at least the member and raid sections of the site. It said my ISP number was banned? Is that right? lol...

I'm not sure if there's any other sections, I just thought that was really, really odd.

Replying to Topic '/sigh'

i took a short look to see if i saw anything odd but didnt going to have to bow down to Masin and Boad on this one.

Joined: 05/24/2003
Replying to Topic '/sigh'

Ohhhhh Lion.. banned IP.. joo was a bad bad boy...

I am sure that it is something really simple and can be fixed soon *hugs*

Replying to Topic '/sigh'

lol daisee

I have some bad news, and unfortunately can't put it on the raid part yet. My stepmom is having an early B-Day party for my little sister (a lot early) and a late one for my brother (a lot late lol) this saturday. I just found out today. That means, unfortunately, this hitman via Tunare will not be able to attend the breaking in of Cazic Thule's home. Something always happens when its fear or hate Sticking out tongue Sorry guys, I won't be able to make it.

Replying to Topic '/sigh'

oh! if someone who reads this could put that under the fear section, it would be much appreciated.

Joined: 05/24/2003
Replying to Topic '/sigh'

Consider it done Lion *hugs*

Dewery's picture
Joined: 08/22/2003
Replying to Topic '/sigh'

Hi, this is Lionhearted. I made another username (my alt's name) so I could post on the site.

However, on like the first 4 or 5 forums, it still won't let me on. (like the general forum, members, raid), and, obviously, the Council forum.

The first 4 or 5 forums still say I don't have access because my IP address has been banned. Maybe it was done by accident?

When it first happened, I had access to some of the forums and was still able to post. I was checking out different things on the site to figure out if I could fix it, so I went to my name. It was the first time there, so I figured I'd give myself a signature and a location and stuff. Anyway, when I clicked 'done' the page didn't go through (that 'timed out' page came up, or a page of the like), and when I went back to the site afterwards it was almost like the site didn't recognize me. I couldn't find my name on the memberlist. The reason why I'm a 100% sure its not there is because I used to be right under Sestuss w/the amount of messages, I had 273. In the forums I'm on, it also reads Lion as having 0 messages now lol. I don't know, I'm just trying to give all the info I possibly can, so it can better help Masin or Boad. Maybe I accidentally deleted Lion? But, when I log in, it still says "Welcome back, Lionhearted!" and gives the date I waas last there.

So, I may in fact have 2 things wrong with me at this point. lol. Sorry for the trouble, I appreciate any help. Hate to be out of the loop Sticking out tongue

If worste comes to worste, I can just use Dewery. However, I still need to fix the fact that my IP address has been banned on a bunch of the forums lol. Computers are evil haha.

Battle Druid

Dewery Greenmyst, 52 Ranger
Umaa Impedence, 40 Chantress
Aerick Del'Arathorn, 40 Monk

Replying to Topic '/sigh'

ok updated the status of this account still looking at teh ban issue sure it was some odd glitch i know next to nothing about websites but i will take another look to see if something jumps out as odd to me.

Replying to Topic '/sigh'

hey lion humm i think i might have kicked you off if i did sorry lol i clicked a buttons assuming it would give me options and not actually ban the account LOL i did go back and unban it (i think) /shrug sorrry better leave this to the guys that have a clue which is not me.

Boad's picture
Joined: 03/20/2002
Replying to Topic '/sigh'

Ban should be fixed. If it's not, e-mail me or post here.


Boad Redblades
KOTG Webmaster and badly dressed retired Ranger

Dewery's picture
Joined: 08/22/2003
Replying to Topic '/sigh'

cool, think its fixed guys. I'll edit this if it isn't hehe.

Battle Druid

Dewery Greenmyst, 52 Ranger
Umaa Impedence, 40 Chantress
Aerick Del'Arathorn, 40 Monk