Website Downtime

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Boad's picture
Joined: 03/20/2002

Sorry about the downtime lately. This server had 2 things going on with it that was different than our other two servers.

For those that are tech oriented:

1) This is our only ssl enabled server. In the apache config file I failed to add in the ip of the server so it was trying to bind to which was causing apache to spawn lots of servers on graceful restart (which brings us to number 2)
2) This web server has an auto restart script for some of the logs. This was fine till I introduced the problem #1. So at the end of the day, the server had a few hundred webservers all haning out (aka, hooligans). The temporary fix was for me to log in every few hours, stop all httpd processes and start fresh.

The problems were minor and downtime should have been minimal. I've fixed the problem so crossing my fingers I won't have to log onto the server 6 times a day to monitor the httpd processes Smiling Please email me if the server stops responding again (the name I'm using to post + @ + name I'm using to post + Take that spam bots!

But if fingers have to be pointed lets find an ogre or a necro to blame. Better yet, Ogre Necros! Smiling


Boad Redblades
KOTG Webmaster and badly dressed retired Ranger

Joined: 05/02/2005
Website Downtime


Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you have decided to see beyond the imperfections.

Joined: 06/03/2004
Website Downtime

Boomer has some big shoulders ..I say we throw the blame up there with everything else ..LMAO


Mordethe 80 Necro

Ardekis 74 Pally

Originally Posted by midnoctus "Some Necs can Kite in a phone booth"

Joined: 01/27/2005
Website Downtime

Good job getting it back up and working if a short amount of time boad. Have a great day.

Joined: 03/27/2006
Website Downtime

I thought it was computer that
wouldnt log in..
I ran scan disk and defrag and
got rid of some cookies.
this is one of the best website
i have seen for guilds.
ya do a great job with it.

75 druid
Cofe Breaks
52 pally

Joined: 10/16/2005
Website Downtime

You speak of the Matrix...
I too must learn the ways of the Matrix
