Requesting input - Smithing or Brewing

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Joined: 03/20/2002

Been looking at the tradeskill trophies for awhile, and Iane's recent post reminded me further of it, which got me thinking...

Lately I have been wrestling with which tradeskill I might pursue past the 200 range. Basically I have settled on either Smithing or Brewing.

BREWING - would fit with my name and character, and is likely much easier to master than smithing. But, ya don't necessarily need brewing to be a good drinker *hiccup*, and besides a couple of interesting drinks, I don't see what use high end (200+) brewing has. Most tempers and tannins trivial below 200, so they wouldn't be an issue.

SMITHING - some nice armor and weapons can be made, especially when it comes to cultural armor for small races. Likely a decent money maker in the high end. Plus, so far, I do not see anyone in guild specializing in smithing. Downside is it is a bitch to increase in skill, is expensive, takes many components only obtained in hunts and foraging, and since my skill is currently 142 it might take a while to advance.

Any ideas? Sugesstions? I'm hoping for some feedback that might steer me one way or another.

"I'm not dead yet!!"

Requesting input - Smithing or Brewing

humm no use for a brewer over 200..hehe
Me and Drah made 150p PER bottle of demi sec champagine and it only cost about 250p to make a 20 of them Smiling.

brewing is cheaper and much easier then smithing. with brewing you cna buy all you need to get to 250. smithing you going to have to hunt and pay ALOT for matrials.

its really up to you Masin but if you jsut want it to get a trophy then i would go brewing. just make sure you got 7 10 slot bags free for the mino hero brew Sad that stuff is a pain.

Joined: 03/21/2002
Requesting input - Smithing or Brewing

Heck, I eventually plan to have them all at 250, Michealus, fletching, and several alts at the other max limits. Its just going to take a long time.

Brewing will never be as lucrative overall as smithing, or cost as much to raise. Do you want to have the high end cultural dwarven armor? There will still be drops that exceed it, but the odds of getting them are going to be low until you've been 60 for quite awhile.

I'd suggest smithing for long term satisfaction, and raise brewing on an alt.

Outrider of Tunare
Keepers of the Glade
Officer, GLE


Fletching 205, Smithing 201, Baking 200, Brewing 200, Pottery 200, Fishing 200,
Fishing 200, Ta

Joined: 03/21/2002
Requesting input - Smithing or Brewing

The problem with raising Brewing with an alt is, it that is what you are going to get your tradeskill trophy as. Brewing would be the easiest and cheapest way for the trophy. Since they nerfed the smithing it is just about impossible. Fara has yet to reach 200 and she has been at it non stop all summer.

Requesting input - Smithing or Brewing

dear dont forget the 25k she has spent so far getting to just 19?. i for one would not do smithing but that is just me; or JC or tayloring. brewing is easy for about 700p loss Mel got from 0 to 198 and only took about 6 weeks of not really trying too hard.

i guess it all really dpends on what you want; smithed items dont sell for that much beczuse looted items are better then smithed so no one but lower lvls want them and they cannot afford to apy. why paid 200p for a pair of legs when they can spend 500p and get something 2x better? BUT if you are looking for a challange more then anything else thenyes smithing is the way to go.