
4 replies [Last post]

Newly Stackable Items - Valor Crystals, Ceramic Linings, Holgresh Fur and Casks are now stackable. Also, Valor Crystals can be sold to vendors.

Tradeskill item flag - There is a new flag on items. When viewing the information about an item, if you see that it has a Tradeskill flag, it is an item that can be used in a tradeskill recipe. This isn't to clearly spell out every item that is used in every tradeskill recipe. The intent is to assist those who are finding items that do not already have an obvious use, by letting them know that the item is used in a tradeskill recipe, somewhere.

Joined: 01/21/2003
Replying to Topic 'WOOT!!!!'

Casks + stackable = $$ This single change made getting brewing up so much easier. I went from 135 to 191 in almost no time because I could buy and stack all the items needed .


Joined: 03/21/2002
Replying to Topic 'WOOT!!!!'

bah! Sticking out tongue
sure do it the EASY way! lol

Joined: 01/21/2003
Replying to Topic 'WOOT!!!!'

Hey, I had all my flaggs before they let everyone in, you can give me a break on my lame tradeskills. Sticking out tongue


Replying to Topic 'WOOT!!!!'