After about 50 LDoN groups with the last 10 or so being hards, I am coming to the conclusion that LDoN is the small guilds alternative to the higher elemental planes. Looking at the ornate armor and then comparing it to the high end high AP items in LDoN, they are highly comparable. PoT stuff is still just god awlful but in general the LDoN stuff is comparable to the ornate items.
Now the Keepers are turnig a corner and are in a place that I have not seen them in since before the "first split". We are actually getting to the "mid sized" family guild range, and between the quantity and quality of players the options available to us will only increase as long as things remain as they are and folks do not burn out. The good thing is that the Guildleader, Bim, has just taken up the mantle of leadership and is not close to being frustrated or drained by the burden.
As we have proven over the last few weeks, we can do things "they" say we should not be able to do, like in PoS with the mini bosses and only one cleric over lvl 60... we tried and we were triumphant. I know we as a guild can do alot more of these kinds of things.
The other week in ToV we did really well and I hope there are plans for us to return there sooner than later. Also, it would really be nice to have some coordination for some hard LDoNs and for those with the desire to explore GoD, something along that line as well(me I will wait a week or two before I get GoD).
Although I can dream of a day when KotG are bashing through the elemental planes in route to the plane of time, realistically the likelihood of that is slim. However, if we can keep the high quality folks we have, and add a few along the way, it is highly possible and probable that we could get into the elemental planes. We can also focus on SS and LDoN armors which beats almost everything up to PoTime armor.
I have only ever been a member of two guild in almost 4 years of playing EQ, KotG here on TP and Adamantium Kinship on MM. Both guilds shared a comon theme of family and working together, I hope that this family can continue to grow and evolve with the same dedication and commitment it has in it's past. I have said it befoe and say it again, I will be a Keeper till they pry my flag from my cold dead fingers....