Plane of Time Strat Tiers 1-6

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Joined: 01/14/2006

First, know your way around. The zone in to Time takes you to a huge cavern with a big clock in the center and 5 tunnels at the edges of the cavern.

Tier 1 and Tier 2

Forming the raid up for success

When you zone into time. Raid will need to be broken into 3 Teams each team will have a Tank group, support group, and a dps group. Best way I’ve found to do this is right off the bat have everyone go lfg then ask for group leaders. Ie /rs I need 2 dps groups 1 tank group and 3 support groups. Then one person will /t you saying I’ll form a dps group and they pick up the necessary people that are lfg to fill them up. Tank groups is where you need your warriors/ knights and 2ish healers. Support this is your enchanter shaman/beast, monk druid. Dps group make sure you have a wizard to ae trans, rogues 1 bard ( no you guys are not dps but you make the others do more and can play backup chanter for when they get ate) necro’s. In each of these sections appoint ONE person to lead that trail and make sure that all 3 groups in that Team have there own channel to coordinate the people in it. Do not spam your raid channel with info from one trial it will confuse people and they will do stupid things. Once all Teams have been filled with the right amount of people and class’s MGB and have them move to there trial zone in’s. from here each trial leader will go over the strategy on their trial when all leaders are ready raid leader tells everyone to zone up as a whole.

The zone is separated into 5 separate areas by streams with 5 bridges leading from the zone in to each separate area. At the end of each tunnel is a small sundial, which is the zone into the 5 separate sections of Tier 1. You must be able to get to these sundials quickly while we are raiding and know their names.

PRINT THIS OUT. Don’t be the guy that make your raid fail.

Fire is northeast past the mobs that look like they belong in Look for Halls of Honor looking mobs. Location to sundial: 1462.99, -118.83 - Follow the path to the sundial

Earth is east down a brick path, then off the path aiming a bit south to the tunnel. Looks like PoE Zone Location to sundial:-654.74, -1624.40 - Follow the path to the sundial

Water is south from the zone and has pyramids. The tunnel is through one of the Looks like SSRA Pyramid, alot of sand.. Location to portal: -1836.84, -541.59 - No path

Undead is southwest and you’ll run into a fenced in area with golems to get to the tunnel. Like the Gem Enhanced mobs in PoEa Location to portal: 1652.98, 707.01 - No path

Air is northwest. Look for an Ice field. Location to portal: -1099.41, 1265.72 - No path

Good to know info !
From the moment we click into Tier 1 were on a timer. Each Tier has it’s own time limit. If we clear the lower tiers in under the limit then the additional time is added to the clock of the next tier so the faster we clear the more time we’ll have to do the next tiers. We have run out of time in Tier 3 before when our dps is low or when we had a wipe or 2. So expect to be rushed at least until we are into Tier 4.

There is no zone out of Time. You’ll need a TL, port or gate potion/neck item to get out. BE SURE YOU BIND OUTSIDE TIME EVERY RAID. You will be TLed to bind several times during a normal night and have to run back in. If you die to a god you are expected to run back in loot some gear and jump back in the fight. Once your team has finished one section everyone is TLed to their bind point and must zone back in immediately and head to your next objective

The graveyard for all of Time is reached by clicking on the dark gravestone with the glowing red eyes near the zone into Time. You get out of the graveyard by clicking on another gravestone like that.

NO WOLF FORM it makes you kos to mobs in time A. We all enjoy a good dead ranger and bard but please don’t be the one that slow’s everyone else up while they wait for you to get rebuffed.

When we are working on Tier 1 the raid is divided into three teams of 18 people (18 is the maximum that each area of Tier 1 can hold 54 total allowed in time b). Each team uses it’s own channel for commands and debuff calls and such so make sure you have these channels turned on.

Team 1 clears Undead and uses a different chat channel ( if a other team fails undead will be expected to zone out gather at that trail and recover it).
Team 2 clears Air then Fire and uses another different chat channel.
Team 3 clears Earth then Water and uses even another different chat channel.

Each section of Tier 1 has it’s own boss and other mobs that must be killed in order to advance to Tier 2. Each is like a small ring event in that as you kill existing mobs more spawn until you get to the end. The event is triggered to start a few seconds after the first person zones in so everyone needs to try to zone in quickly when told to click in.

Just keep clicking the sundial if you get stuck outside, it will let you in eventually as long as there aren’t already 18 people in that area and only 54 people allowed in Time b during phase 1. If the area you are trying to enter is full then you can either not be allowed to zone in, end up zoning into the graveyard, or you zone in to the right area but in doing so boot another person to the graveyard. This last one is obviously very bad if you boot out a tank, cleric, slower, debuffer or the wizard that is there to TL us out. So don’t try to zone into an area if not invited. If you get a loot drop from a different area you should ask the person who awarded if it’s ok to zone in when you are ready to do so.

The most important thing in the lower tiers of time is to assist and not break mezz. You should not have auto attack on during our raids (/assist off is the command for you new kids). It is your responsibility to know which mob you should be attacking and not just mindlessly assist the MA.

The Trials

Think Xegony. You need to offtank the boss the entire fight, while dealing with adds right off the bat, then additional adds as you do damage to the boss.

The boss is NOT slowable, hits for 1150 max, and casts a cold-based AE called Aqueous Flux. The AE is a 850 dd, 70% snare and 40% slow and only lasts for 5 ticks.

The adds ARE slowable, and hit for roughly 270-880

Prepare to have DI on your tanks and offtanks, LHA is extremely deadly for this trial, as the boss does hit quite hard and can drop the tank's hps relatively quickly. The goal is to not let the MT drop below 30% at all, but having DI up and as a "just in case" can easily prevent a wipe.

When you zone up, you'll have about 15 seconds before the first wave spawns. It will consist of the boss itself and two un-mezzable adds. Offtank the boss and 2 adds immediately and do NOT assist on the boss. Instead, kill the two offtanked adds. Once the first two adds are dead, bring the named down to 90%, at which point 1 mezzable and 1 unmezzable mob will spawn. Offtanks need to jump on both mobs immediately and as soon as it is established which is mezzable and which isnt, assist should be called on the unmezzable mob. After the unmezzable add dies, kill off the mezzable add and assist the MT in killing the boss.

At 45% of the boss' health, two more adds spawn. Offtanks should be ready to aggro the adds immediately, once again one of the mobs is mezzable, one is not. Offtank/mez the two adds and everyone should keep assisting the boss until it's dead, dps should burn from 45% - 0%. After the boss is dead, kill the remaining two adds and you've won!

When you zone up, be ready for the spawn of 3 rock mobs that need to be offtanked immediately. These three will be referred to as the Parent mobs, as when you kill them, tiny "children" rock guys spawn.
It's a simple trial really, kill off 1 parent mob and 2-4 mezzable mobs will spawn. Note: These little mezzable mobs are VERY resistant before they are debuffed, and it's next to impossible to land mez until at least malo is on them. However they do not hit very hard at all, so AE tash is recommended before beginning mezes. Additionally, Color cloud DOES work on these little mobs, however it's effectiveness is questionable, due to how resistant the mobs are. From here, simply lock down the mezzable adds while offtanking the other two parent mobs simultaenously. Kill the mezzable mobs one by one.

After you kill the mezzable mobs, kill a second parent mob and repeat that process exactly. Keep count on how many children mobs you have killed, as after the 6th child mob dies the boss spawns. Have your MT be ready to tank the boss before the 6th child mob dies. The boss spawns right infront of the clock wall, the tank should be standing infront of it with defensive ready. The boss itself is pretty easy, slowable and doesn't have an AE. Kill off the boss while your chanter/bard keeps the remaining little mobs mezzed (if there are mezzable mobs up at the time). After the boss dies, kill off the remaining mobs that are alive and you've won!

After everyone zones up, 4 birds (nobles) will spawn, 2 of the 4 are mezzable and must be mezzed asap. It is random which is mezzable and which is not. Then assist the MA and kill them 1 by 1. As each dies, an untargettable bird (Servitor) will spawn by the clock. At about 30% on the last Noble, 2 offtanks and the named tank will get into position infront of the clock wall. When the last Noble dies, the 4 Servitors and a named will spawn/become targettable.

This named must be dispelled ASAP, as it has a very nasty DS. It also casts: Caustic Atmosphere

1: Decrease Spell Haste by 25%
2: Decrease Attack Speed by 25%
3: Decrease HP when cast by 550
Recast Time: 180
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust -150
Target Type: PB AE
Duration: 1 ticks @L1 to 2.0 mins @L40
The AE can be cured by RC3, buff PR to prepare for this.

The 2 inner Servitors will be Mez'd, the 2 outer Servitors will be Offtanked. Once the named is dispelled, Our tank will call assist and we will burn the named down. Once the named is dead, Assist the MA on the remaining birds until they are all dead, and you've won!


The Fire trial works in 2 waves. Each wave has different Rules. Wave 1 starts when we zone in and 3 Flame Memphits spawn. These are "Parent" Mobs. All 3 will be Offtanked. Assist the MA on them one by one. When one "Parent" mob dies, 2 "Child" mobs will spawn. 1 Mezable and 1 Not Mezable. Assist the MA on the 2 "Child" mobs, and kill them asap. Rinse and repeat for the other 2 "Parent" mobs. Once all the "Parent" and "Child" mobs are dead, wave 2 will begin.

Wave 2 begins with the named becomming targettable. This named MUST be dispelled ASAP. The named casts Black Pyre:
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 50%
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 225 per tick
Recast Time: 180
Resist: Fire
Resist Adjust -150
Target Type: PB AE
Duration: 1 ticks @L1 to 5 ticks @L10
The named also spawns adds at 75%, 50%, and 25%. When adds spawn all dps must stop on the named except for the MT. 2 adds spawn at each percentile. In this wave, the Flame Memphits can be mez'd and we will leave them until after the named is down under the Chanters control. Inferno Memphits cannot be mez'd, when/if they spawn, assist the MA on these and they must die quickly. Once the adds are under control from the 50% spawn, we will keep all dps on the named until it dies. The adds at 25% will be offtanked/mez'd as need be until after the named is down. Then we clean up the memphits and we win.


Entrance to this trial is located in the cave in NW area of the PoTimeA.

The groups doing undead trial needs:
4 solid tanks (2 warrior preferred, 5th plate backup would be nice)
4 druid/cleric (2+ cleric preferred)
WS ranger prefered
1 of each support class bard/ench/shaman

Really, none of our hardcore dps folks should be in this trial as this can easily be completed before the other groups do 2 trials. For the "dps group", I wouldn't mind seeing druid, bard, extra enchanter, ranger, extra shaman/druid, wizard (in a pinch undead might need to kill another trial if a group failed).

wave 1 - 3 unmezable mobs spawn to start, offtank all.
wave 2 - 4 unmezable spawn (square pattern in middle of area), offtank all.
wave 3 - 4 mezable spawn (square pattern in middle of area), offtanks use non dmg taunt until mezzed, before kiling last, make sure you're ready for named
wave 4 --2 mobs and NAMED become targetable. Use WS for named, helps give time tanks to agro without healers getting ganked. Named hits a bit harder, but adds have less hp, so kill the skelly adds first, then the boss.


After Phase 2 is complete you have 75 minutes to complete Phase 3. Your entire raid of 72 joins forces here.

Look at the map and you'll see a large cavern to the west. Jump down into the lava but DO NOT RUN ONTO THE ISLAND. You can invis to ensure safety.
Back up QUICKLY to the wall.

The island is full of mobs. Each wave spawns ~8 mobs and 2 named. There are 8 waves total in this order:

1. Zek army. NAMED are Deathbringer Blackheart, Ferocious Warboar
2. Bertox army. NAMED are Kraksmaal Fir`dethsin, Xeroan Xi`Geruon
3. Zek army. NAMED: Deathbringer Skullsmash, Deadly Warboar
4. CT army. NAMED: Herlsoakian, Sinrunal Gorgedreal
5. Zek army. NAMED: Deathbringer Rianit, Needletusk Warboar
6. Innoruuk army. NAMED: Dersool Fal`Giersnaol, Xerskel Gerodnsal
7. Terris Thule army. NAMED: Dark Knight of Terris, Undead Squad Leader
8. Saryrn army. NAMED: Dreamwarp, Champion of Torment

These named can drop loot, but seem to have no AE's or special information at this point.

After all 8 waves are clear, move onto the island. TWO named elementals spawn.

NAMED: Supernatural Guardian
AE: None.

NAMED: Avatar of the Elements
AE: None.
After Phase 3 is done, you can exit to the west and click into Phase 4: The Gods.


Terris Thule (PoTime)

1. Phantasmal Torment
2. Quivering Nightmares

Battle breakdown.
1. Healer stuff
A) Healers will need about 6 or 7 in the rotation. Pause of 5
B) Her AE will kill your mana buffs. Have junk buffs up and click off to make room for the 2
AE’s that will hit you
C) Necro/shaman or other support class at healer position to dispel mana drain AE on healers.
D) Position of healers. Set up along the wall nearest where you will be tanking her.
E) Make sure you have extended range item equipped.
F) Must have a bard at healers singing resist buff. MR is the check for bolth her AE’s.

The Pull.
1. Paladin DA pulls to tank spot. ( Preferably one with a DA procing hammer)

The mass’s
1.If you’re a melee do not be shrunk for this fight. Water in her room and will make bard resist song not land on you if you are shrunk.
2. Add’s spawn at 90%, 50%, and 10%. These need to be killed as soon as they spawn. If healers are getting low on mana. Offtank and mez the 10% wave and burn TT down
3. Make sure you dedicate one Main assist (Preferably a knight) to call assist on the add waves before you engage.

1. Begin with riposte disc. Then defensive.
2. Have a bard grouped with tank for resists as well as cures. Shaman/druid watch bards health.

Saryn (PoTime)

1. Horrifying Affliction
2. Torrent of Agony

Battle breakdown.
1. Healer stuff
A) Healers will need about 6 or 7 in the rotation. Pause of 5
B) Her AE will kill your mana buffs. Necro in group to Mind wrack helps a ton.
C) Position of healers. Set up along the wall nearest where you will be tanking her.
D) Make sure you have extended range item equipped.
E) Must have a bard at healers singing resist buff. PR/DR.
F) Bard in healer group to help resist mana drain ae is a huge plus.
The Pull.
1. Paladin DA pulls to tank spot. ( Preferably one with a DA procing hammer)

The mass’s .
1. Add’s spawn at 90%, 50%, and 10%. These need to be killed as soon as they spawn. If healers are getting low on mana. Offtank and mez the 10% wave and burn Saryn down
2. Make sure you dedicate one Main assist (Preferably a knight) to call assist on the add waves before you engage.

1. Begin with riposte disc. Then defensive.
2. Have a bard grouped with tank for resists as well as cures. Shaman/druid watch bards health.

Tallon Zek (PoTime)

1. barb of tallon
2. barb of tallon
3. barb of tallon
4. barb of tallon
5 plane shift
6. Tallons balance

Battle breakdown.
1. Healer stuff
A) Healers need 9 cleric/druids doing a CH rotation with a 1 sec pause between them. Druids
in rota will need to be doubled up i.e. 1 slot in rota = 2 druids doing there ch at the same
B) First two buff slots need to be junk and clicked off before fight starts.
C) Necro/shaman or other support class at healer position to dispel mana drain AE on healers.
D) Position of healers. You’ll need to set up just to the left of the opening to TZ
hidden behind the wall. 3 squares left and 2 squares out from the entrance of his room.
E) Make sure you have extended range item equipped.

The Pull.
1. Position MT directly to the left as you enter the room.
2. Rampage Tank
A) preferably Paladin with DA hammer) DA’s and runs toward TZ until agro is drawn. Then
moves to MT..
B) RT (paladin with da hammer) have 1 dedicated healer. Have a hotkey set up /t healer001
DA is now down heal now please.
C) RT (Tank type without DA hammer) need’s 4ish healers to keep him alive.
D) if RT dies it will need to be called in the channel that he is down and whoever has picked up
rampage will need to be kept alive. With rampage loose this fight gets ugly very very fast.

The mass’s
1. Need to be clear to hug hard left to MT’s position so as not to aggro VZ.
2. Casters must be just outside of melee range so that if they aggro it does not pull tz out of
his corner.

1. Begin with repost disc. Then defensive.
2. Have a bard grouped with tank for resists as well as cures. Shaman/druid watch bards

Vallon Zek (PoTime)

1. Tactical strike
2. Vallons Prerecision
3. blade of vallon

Battle breakdown.
1. Healer stuff
A) Healers do a spam heal. Meaning that healers will use fast heals only and use them as quickly as they can. The damage output is so great that your CPU will not refresh fast enough to see life spikes in your MT so simply heal even though it doesn’t look like he needs.
B) Position of healers. You’ll need to set up just to the left of the opening to TZ hidden behind the wall. 3 squares left and 2 squares out from the entrance of his room.
C) Make sure you have extended range item equipped.

The Pull
1. Position MT directly to the left as you enter the room.
2. Rampage Tank
A)(preferably Paladin with DA hammer) Stands with the MT in the corner.
B) RT (paladin with da hammer) have 1 dedicated healer. Have a hotkey set up /t healer001 DA is now down heal now please.
C) RT (Tank type without DA hammer) need’s 4ish healers to keep him alive.
D) if RT dies it will need to be called in the channel that he is down and whoever has picked up rampage will need to be kept alive. With rampage loose this fight gets ugly very fast.

The mass’s
1. Every pet class must have a pet on VZ once he is in the corner. Because of the FD proc that he has pets serve as a Placeholder for the aggro until the tank can stand. If a pet dies cast another but it is imperative that you have every pet you can on VZ.
2. Casters must be just behind the melee so that if they aggro it does not pull tz out of his corner.
3. Melee when tank is FD’d you must back away and let the pets take the hits until tank can stand regain aggro.
4. At 50 % health 2 fake VZ’s will spawn these need to have 2 rangers ready to Weapon shield them. They must be debuffed and snared ASAP. Then run them away from the main battle and root if able. If you don’t get root pull them out toward the table area and tether them and try and root again at there spawn point.

1. Begin with riposte disc. Then defensive.
2. Have a bard grouped with tank for resists as well as cures. Shaman/druid watch bards health.
3. Set up a hotkey that announces when you get FD’d. As well as a /stand hotkey (do not use the sit/stand button) spam this /stand hotkey during the fight the faster you stand back up the less dps/healers that will die.


When all Phase 4 gods are dead, zone to phase 5 by clicking the sundial on the outside wall between VZ and TZ rooms. Be careful going through the door. This time, guarding the 4 God corners are 12 mobs. These mobs must be cleared before you fight the Gods.

Clear CT and Bert guards first. Typically, due to positioning, the order of kills for Phase 5 is CT, RZ, Bert, Inny. The reason is that Bert's room is full of water, which means he's often pulled out of the room and down to RZ or CT chamber.


--Weak melee
--Need to dodge his AE silence. Casters can SNARE themselves to block the AE.
--MGB Heal Rotation needed.
--not slowable
--3 Nasty AE's.
--Cazic is not leashed. Pull him to the zone-in chamber and corner him.
--Knight tank with Fearless suggested.
--Weak rampage
--Do not debuff until 97% as CT has loose aggro
--The portal near Cazic goes to the Plane of Fear

AE: Call of the Faceless:
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 200 per tick (Total of 1k dmg)
2: Decrease Movement by 40%
3: Silence
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust -150
AE Range 300
Target Type: PB AE
Recast Time: 180
Duration: 5 ticks (30 seconds)

AE: Timeless Panic
1: Fear(1)
2: Decrease HP when cast by 1000
Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -350
AE Range: 100
Target Type: PB AE
Recast Time: 42
Duration: 3 ticks

AE: Aura of Fear
1: Decrease HP when cast by 2000
2: Stun(6.00 sec)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 550 per tick
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust: -150
AE Range: 300
Target Type: PB AE
Recast Time: 180
Duration: 5 ticks


--Buff up with high FR.
--Pull RZ into position at the left of the portal.
--He is tethered.
--Clerics get into position against West Wall. CH rotation begins. Watch the range; clerics may have to move into the room.
--RZ gains melee abilities as he drops in health, and spawns sets of 4 adds in the middle of the room (at his original spawn point). There will be an Offtank Assist (OA) for these mobs.
--At 90% he spawns 4 adds, NON-MEZzable and NON-rootable
--OA calls raid off RZ, raid kills adds
--At ~75% he gains AE RAMPAGES, begins to hit harder, and spawns 4 adds, NON-MEZzable and NON-rootable
--OA calls raid off RZ, raid kills adds
--At ~55% he gains FLURRY, spawns 4 adds, NON-MEZzable and NON-rootable
--OA calls raid off RZ, raid kills adds
--At 25% he gains INCREASED DPS and possibly more RESISTS and spawns 6 adds, NON-MEZzable and NON-rootable
--OA calls raid off RZ, raid kills adds.
--Finish RZ.
--Warrior defensive should be saved until 75% so that it doesn't end at the same time RZ's melee abilities power up.

AE: Rage of Zek
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 400 per tick
2: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick
3: Increase Curse Counter by 9
Resist: Fire
Resist Adjust -100
Recast Time: 35
AE Range: 200
Target Type: PB AE
Duration: 6 ticks (30 sec)

Proc: Vindictive Strike
1: Decrease HP when cast by 3500
2: Stun(20.00 sec)
Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -200
Range: 300
Target Type: Single
Recast Time: 180
Duration: Instant


--Buff up with high PR/DR.
--Bert is not tethered.
--Pull him into CT chamber. Puller blows the snare, then he's tagged in by RT.
--Spread out the shamans and druids. 1 Per group, minimum, to cure.
--MGB Heal Rotation needed.
--CH rotation begins
--Keep MT and groups cured/healed.
--He starts out with (relatively) weak melee abilities and near total immunity to spells. As he goes lower on health, he starts to get much tougher in melee combat but his resists go down.
--MT needs to save /disc until later in the fight and casters need to avoid AEs and not cast until he's down to like 85%

AE: Black Plague
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Movement by 80%
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 700 per tick
Resist: Disease
Adjust: -300
Range: 300
Target Type: PB AE
Recast Time: 20
Duration: 8 hours 20.0 mins

AE: Rain of Bile
1: Decrease Mana by 275
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 975
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust: -300
AE Range 250
Target Type: Targeted AE
Recast Time: 60
Duration: Instant


--Inny casts a damage shield with a combo rune on himself. When the rune fades so does the DS. MoK will not remove the rune/DS. Dispelling would remove it and any other debuffs and dots he has up. Last option is to disengage melee and pets and just nuke him.
--He AE fears every 2-3 minutes.
--At 80% three adds spawn. They have a large amount of HP's and hit for about 1500. They are reported to have fairly low MR and can be rooted and snared. We keep them CC'd the whole fight and kill them after Inny is down. Root them along the west wall.
--At 20% three (or four) adds spawn, identical to before. Keep them CC'd the remainder of fight and kill them after Inny is down.
--Inny Rampages

Spell: Barrier of Hatred
1: Increase Damage Shield by 225
2: Increase ATK by 175
3: Increase AC by 135
4: Increase Absorb Damage by 1800
Target Type: Self
Recast Time: 420
Duration: 40.0 min

AE: Seething Hatred
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 550 per tick
2: Decrease Agro Multiplier by 75%
3: Fear(1)
Resist: Fire
Resist Adjust: -200
Range: 100
Target Type: PB AE
Recast Time: 240
Duration: 4 ticks (24 sec)


QUARM (PoTime) Big Bossman

After you complete Phase 5, you are granted two additional hours to defeat Quarm.

--Max. Hit: 3800

--Pre Fight: Wait for Quarm to path to his lair; send in a rogue or monk to watch him get in position. Then, zone in.

--Quarm Rampages intermittently. Light healing needed.

--Quarm is pulled SW to the wall before the right alcove. MT is the only person there with Quarm. A group of clerics/rot will be in the SW alcove, with the casters and melee waiting near zone-in. With the new changes, he can be pushed into the wall so that he can't be hit, which is bad.

--Adds spawn during the fight. Enchanters are on all adds, called "time vortex". They don't seem to hit for much, but they cast the AE Time Warp. This slows down melee and spells.

--Casters and clerics can dodge some of the AE's by staying along the right wall. It appears as if the 3kdd AE's and Time Warp cannot be avoided; the 3kdd goes through the wall. Time Warp comes from the adds, so if they are controlled quickly, that may be solved.

--Melee are on Quarm until AE is called. AE is called 20 seconds before it hits, and enables you to run to zone in/right wall to dodge it. AEs come relatively fast. Speed not sure yet.

--Paragon at clerics at 90% so that you can use it twice.
--Pair up necros with cleric groups for Mind Wracking.
--All groups need a healer and curer of some sort.
--Patch Hard every 25%.
--Debuff every 25%.

Explaining Quarm's AE's

--Quarm has 4 heads.

--At 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0%, a head 'dies'.

--We believe there is a Cold, Poison, Disease, and Fire head, responsible for each set of spells based upon that resist type listed below. There is no Magic head; that class of spells, the adds cast.

--The startup time for the first cast from each head seems random, but approximately 30 seconds apart. Therefore, once a head starts casting, it casts every 60 seconds and picks its associated element DD or DoT. What this means is we most likely need to keep track of 4 different timers.

--Fire, Ice, Poison, Disease is believed to be the order they go away


AE: Venomed Mist
1: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 500 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 36
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust: -300
AE Range: 400
Recast time: 60
Duration: 1.5 mins (15 ticks)

AE: Plagued Earth
1: Increase Disease Counter by 36
2: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 500 per tick
Resist: Disease
Resist Adjust: -300
AE Range: 400
Recast time: 60
Duration: 1.5 mins (15 ticks)

AE: Timewarp (AE FROM ADDS)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 50%
2: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 36
Resist: Unresistable
Range: 200
Duration: 1 ticks @L1 to 1 min @L20

AE: Epoch Conviction
1: Decrease Spell Damage by 20%
2: Decrease ATK by 280
3: Increase Curse Counter by 36
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 100 per tick
5: Decrease Mana by 50 per tick
Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -300
AE Range: 400
Recast time: 60
Duration: 1 min (10 ticks)

AE: Glacier Breath
1: Decrease Movement by 20%
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 100 per tick
Resist: Cold
Resist Adjust: -300
AE Range: 400
Recast time: 60
Duration: 30seconds (5 ticks)

3K DD AE's

AE: Infernal Flames
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000
Resist: Fire
Resist Adjust: -250
AE Range: 400
Recast time: 60
Duration: instant

AE: Plague Seism
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000
Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -250
PB AE Range: 400
Recast: 60
Duration: Instant

AE: Glacier Blast
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000
Resist: Cold
Resist Adjust: -250
PB AE Range: 400
Recast: 60
Duration: Instant

AE: Venom Blast
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000
Resist: Poison
Resist Adjust: -250
PB AE Range: 400
Recast: 60
Duration: Instant

4-head Quarm :
Glacier Breath, SvC-300 Move-20% 100DoT 5tick
Venomed Mist, SvP-300 500DoT 50ManaDoT PoisonCount36 1.5min
Plague Earth, SvD-300 500DoT 50ManaDoT DiseaseCount36 1.5min

Not avoidable:
Infernal Flames, SvF-250 3kDD
Epoch Conviction, SvM-300 SpellDMG-20% ATK-280 100DoT 50ManaDoT CurseCount36 1min

3-head Quarm :
Venomed Mist, SvP-300 500DoT 50ManaDoT PoisonCount36 1.5min
Plague Earth, SvD-300 500DoT 50ManaDoT DiseaseCount36 1.5min

Not avoidable:
Glacier Blast, SvC-250 3kDD
Epoch Conviction, SvM-300 SpellDMG-20% ATK-280 100DoT 50ManaDoT CurseCount36 1min

2-head Quarm :
Plague Earth, SvD-300 500DoT 50ManaDoT DiseaseCount36 1.5min

Not avoidable:
Venom Blast, SvP-250 3kDD
Epoch Conviction, SvM-300 SpellDMG-20% ATK-280 100DoT 50ManaDoT CurseCount36 1min

1-head Quarm :
Not avoidable:
Plague Seism, SvM-250 3kDD
Epoch Conviction, SvM-300 SpellDMG-20% ATK-280 100DoT 50ManaDoT CurseCount36 1min

Time Strat Questions

First off this is an amazing strat Cesarre!!! Having not ventured into the likes of PoTime I had a couple questions:

1. When does the time limit begin between the beating of Tier II & Tier III
Do we beat tier II & the extended timer starts right after the kill like "you failed your LDoN so here's the extended time for points" OR is it when we zone in to tier III?

2. Under Healer stuff for the Tallon Zek fight how old is the strat? Druid CH has become far more powerful between lvl 65 & 70 with all these expansions. Druids are mentioned at double slotted on the CH rotation, I'm thinking the CH time for druids is the standard 10 seconds but I could be wrong.

Having read this my status as "having a grasp on basics" had dwindled to Noob Looking For Trainer on Fire Beetle Eye Quest!

Thanks for this guide it gives me hope at the same time.

Happy Hunting!!

Joined: 01/14/2006
Plane of Time Strat Tiers 1-6

If memory serves me correctly, the timer starts as soon as the last trial in Tier 2 is beaten. As for the healing question, the strat is maybe a year old so some tweaking could be considered for the stronger Druid CH's.