
Crystallos access

I am working on this for my site (slowly) -- but I thought I would toss in some general data for KOTG.

 The master quest is called Beyond the Barrier.

Steps of that task are actually sub tasks, like Lost Brother and Find the Containers.

The Find the Containers (Crystals -- they are actually bags) only require you go pick up a ground spawn that respanws every 35 secs. You need a bag slot open. You can also dump this tiny container and go get it again when you actually need it (one in LP is tricky tho).

Luvwen's Armor Vs. Vesagran Armor

Thi sis a link to a post I found interesting to look over, some things havent been compared as much as others but it is goo dinformation for bards. This was posted by Berien Fortunato

A cleric's guide to the planes

Well, our Hate raid is just a couple of days away, so I thought I'd post a guide based on my experiences. This stuff pretty much applies to all large scale raids....not just Hate. This will be a working document. I'll update it as I think of other things. I hope you find it useful.

First, let's cover the basics of being able to participate effectively.

an enchanter's guide to hate


Before you head up to the plane, you should set things up so as to minimize lag. Turn off chat filters for other hits, other misses, and turn spells to GROUP and bard songs to ME. Turn off spell effects and dynamic lights and turn on server filtering. Turn off player names in the display options.

You should set up a mez hotkey that /oocs what target you're mezing.


Druid guide to Hate


* Chat/Graphics filters:
/showspell off
/serverfilter on
PC names: OFF
NPC names ON
PC spells: SELF
NPC spells: ON
others misses, hits, OFF
damage shields OFF
clip plane minimized
particle effects OFF
bard songs OFF

About all you will want on is ooc, shout, groupsay, guildsay, NPC spells, and your spells (so you can see if they land. Sucks not to be able to see "A Cleric of Innoruuk is snared").

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